Zapped! Cell Phones Are Not Safe

My Story:

Around the first of June 2016  I got a new cell phone – my first smart phone. It had 4G LTE technology. Within five days I started getting “complex migraines” as later diagnosed by a  neurologist.  These episodes can be frightening when they come out of the blue. Vision is impaired by sparkling lights for about 30 minutes and speech and other cognitive abilities can be affected. Luckily I didn’t experience headaches but I did discover after several episodes that I had a permanent blind spot in my vision. After a trip to the ER to rule out a stroke I saw an ophthalmologist, an MD, and had a blood test, I finally saw the neurologist (after a three month wait) and had an MRI. There was no apparent cause and no treatment. At first I had experienced the migraines every other day and sometimes twice a day but I quickly changed my diet which reduced them to once a week, and later when I had more information (about tyramine) I got them down to three times a month.

After all that, a friend suggested it might be my cell phone. That’s when I realized the connection and turned my cell phone off and took the battery out – and the migraines immediately stopped for forty days.  I still got a migraine about once a month, triggered by overexposure to radiation, which is hard to avoid. But there was already some possible permanent damage to my vision and my metabolism. It also affected my thyroid. I had used cell phones occasionally for over 25 years but I rarely used them for calls since I have a land line (remember those?). But over the past year I had frequently used a new one (not a smart phone) for texting and other things. Also I used a headset and speaker mode most of the time and  rarely put the phone to my ear. However, when I got the new smart phone it was so useful I had it with me 24/7 and it was always within a foot or two of my head, even at night.

Although I’ve always been cautious, I had been somewhat skeptical of cell phone alarmists because I believed there isn’t enough power in a cell phone to do damage. But I did a lot of research and found out I was wrong, and so are all the sources that say that cell phone radiation cannot break chemical bonds. It can – and breaking just one bond in the right place can cause major problems. A good analogy is that the human voice does not have enough power to break a wine glass – nowhere near enough! You could scream at the glass all day long and it would have no effect. But we all know that a singer hitting a note with the right resonant frequency can shatter the glass even at a low volume.

As it turns out, the damage from RF radiation is caused by the nature of the data signal itself, and not just the power,  This was unexpected. Because of this, cell phones are harmful even at lower power and greater distances than anyone thought. Ongoing research shows that cell phone microwave radiation can alter brain metabolism, open the blood-brain barrier to toxins, interfere with thyroid function, and damage DNA (all proven, but still denied). It is a major suspect in the epidemic of migraines worldwide, and is implicated in many forms of cancer. This is especially obvious when the cancer shows up in the exact location where the cell phone is held against the body like on the breast when a woman keeps the cell in her bra or in the testicle next to the pocket a man keeps his phone in. Some who keep their phone in their shirt pocket have developed a rare form of heart cancer.

Personally I can’t be around active cell phones now and find myself avoiding parties and groups because if I am exposed too much I will get a migraine the next day. I try to be careful but it has happened twice as of January 3, 2017. Because of my previous exposure I am also now much more sensitive to certain foods like cheese and nuts, whereas before all this started they weren’t a problem and I never had migraines. I speculate that the cell phone altered my brain metabolism allowing more of the toxic chemical “tyramine” contained in these foods to get past the blood brain barrier, triggering a migraine. Go Here for a list of low tyramine foods:                                                                                           

I have two friends who started getting migraines when they began using a cell phone and the migraines stopped when they got rid of the phones, only to return when they started using them again. And there are hundreds of similar cases you can find online.  This is of course only anecdotal evidence but there are many new scientific studies now, as well as many old studies that are resurfacing, and the evidence is growing. 

Cell phones may not cause immediately noticeable problems for everyone but they most certainly do cause physical changes in everyone’s body including yours. Some of us are more sensitive to these changes and may develop any number of symptoms, from dizziness or migraines to thyroid dysfunction, speech and memory problems, or cancer. The problem is that if you do have any sort of health problem, no one would suspect that cell phone radiation might have anything to do with it. We should be especially concerned for our children. We can’t afford to take anything for granted, especially the assurances of a trillion dollar industry that their products are perfectly safe. Cell phones are not safe! They are useful however and I carry mine with me for emergencies and for it’s many other uses, but it is always in AIRPLANE MODE so it does not emit any radiation.

Since I have been talking about this, I’m amazed to have discovered that five people I know also get complex migraines but had never mentioned it. People got migraines before the use of electricity or cell phones and there are certainly other causes. However, the underlying causes of migraines are still unknown, and now we have a growing epidemic, probably due to a combination of factors. So I urge everyone to start getting informed since there are now more cell phones on this planet than people!  And if you happen to be in my company with a cell phone please turn the signals off by putting it in “airplane mode”. Thanks!

UPDATE: 1-29-2018

I have not had a migraine since September 2017. I have been careful to avoid close and prolonged cell phone and wifi exposure and to keep my diet healthy. I have avoided tyramine in food and kept my electrolytes balanced. However, the various visual disturbances and the damage to my vision, have not changed, except to get a bit worse immediately after my last migraine in September.

Update: 9-22-2018

I had one mild migraine a few weeks ago after almost a year. I live about 3 blocks from a cell tower. A few months ago a second, taller cell tower was installed right next to the first one. Now the  RF meter I use to detect microwaves shows more harmful levels of radiation inside my apartment than I had before.  I have been able to block this radiation but I’m exposed to it whenever I go out on my patio. Soon we will have 5G antennas installed on every street corner unless we recognize the danger and work together to do something about it.

As the fine print for every cell phone says, if you can find it, the device should never be held closer than 1 cm (approx 1/4 inch) from the body. When held closer the radiation exceeds the SAR limit by TEN times. Go here to check the fine print for your own phone:

Go here to read the BioInitiative report on the harm caused by radio frequency radiation, which details the damage cause by even low level exposures to EMF!!

And check out these links, they are long but it’s worth it.

There is a lot more good information available. The trailer is for the most recent (2017) major documentary discussing the dangers of cell phones.

5G Health Concerns

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